Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Message from the bottom of the Heart

Hai rakan-rakan sekalian...

Kita ada memulakan sebuah blog dinamakan Shareview (courtesy by our friend - Shashi).Tetapi dukacitanya, blog ini didapati tak berapa sihat disebabkan semenjak pertubuhannya hanya 4 - 5 orang sahaja yang aktif melaporkan artikel mereka. Melainkan itu, artikel-artikel yang diposkan tidak mendapat sambutan hangat daripada rakan co-bloggers yang lain. Yang saya maksudkan adalah, tidak banyak komen diberikan. Kesian kepada co-bloggers yang tekun memposkan artikel. Sebenarnya, komen-komen yang diberi bolehlah berunsur mengkutuk, menambahkan maklumat, ataupun memperbaiki artikel sekiranya mempunyai teori/konsep yang salah.

Alright, enough of writing in BM, i think the structure of the sentences had gone a little bit haywire. Hope y'all can understand it.. . he he

But what's important is it's content

By the way, do any of you would like to suggest to rename our Blog... to make it more stylish and attractive? Please drop by your suggestions for the title. Once, decided i shall send the "Title Change Approval Request" to our admin - Shashi.

Once again folks, Let's enjoy some healthy blogging...

Doumo Arigatou gozaimasu.


Sathiya Seelan said...

Good idea, sashi....

I've noticed this blog is missing its 'liveliness' with a lot of dormant members.

Friends, this is our blog. Feel free to post anything you like.... M1 style! (M1 - Maiyiresatthu)

loga said...

How abT "caThExis"...?

Has some sense.. Unlike M1..

Sonja said...

*dismayed* WHY rename???i like "share-view" :(
at least, i understand what it means...

M1? apa benda tu?

"caThExis"? guess i have no sense, since i can't make any sense out of caThExis. please enlighten this lost disciple :)

Sathiya Seelan said...


I wasn't suggesting that we name our blog M1. In fact, M1 is a style of writing made popular by some Malaysian indian bloggers, where you're least bothered about authority/establishment you're condemning/criticising about.
If you really wanna know what M1 means pls refer to the expansion in my above comment.

What is "caThExis", macha? saya pun pening

Diesel_R said...

Neither do I, did really can decode the meaning of "caThExis".
Can you just give some explanation (or it's expansion) for further understanding...
Besides, the fundamental purpose of a title is to reflect the true image of an object, so does or blog.

Thanks for the suggestion. "M1 style" sure sounds great. But only one little worry point, the expansion of the name maybe okay for us, but it won't go well with other co-bloggers.
And i said to loga, that title should reflect our blog's true image, hence having that meaning certainly looks like to degrade it.

We are not for sure gonna change it, it is just a proposal, so don't be distressed with it.
We are practising democracy here, not dictatorship.
That's why we opened it up for discussion. Who knows, at the end of our discussions we might come up with a better and effective title, which our members agree for it.

Other co-bloggers:
Give a piece of your mind too...

Admin Shashi:
Mana lu pergi...??

loga said...

Morning guys,

Cathexis-the undesirable concentration of mental energy in one direction (source:Oxford)..

I suggested it coz, the "undesirable" word suits our
blog perfectly.. Hehe..